Using religion to promote the r/K selection theory?

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Using religion to promote the r/K selection theory?

I think at this point I have become somewhat of a cult leader, or at least a fringe religious leader in my local community. A member of my religious community even invited me to his house and told me that he started rejecting the central leadership of our religious community after attending my talk.

The issue for me is that even though I am kind of a cult leader, all the women who attend my talks are much too old to be my girlfriend. So how can I get a girlfriend from my following? One option would be to cater to young women and try to do things to attract them to the gathering, but this would be selling out, and it would be difficult with all the other things that are competing for young women's attention. The second option would be to somehow use my existing following to work towards getting me a girlfriend, and if they cooperate to do this, maybe they could succeed where I working individually could not. This second option is the only good option I see, so it is what I will work towards.

But how do I get my following on board with helping me get a girlfriend? As far as I know, they don't even know I'm incel, and they probably could not relate, since it was not an issue in their time.

I am thinking I need to give a talk to show my following what is happening with respect to dysgenics, and how my genes are endangered as a result, and maybe this will motivate them to take action to help me.

I am thinking of giving a talk on the r/K selection theory, and how society is making me single because I am K-selected, while promoting the birthrates of worthless scum. If they understood this maybe they would do things to try to help me find a wife, whatever they may be.

It makes me wonder, how would one promote the r/K selection theory from a religious angle? Obviously, the answer may be different for each religion. But often times, what is true for one religion is also true for another.
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Re: Using religion to promote the r/K selection theory?

Usually when people say "Follow your dreams and the women will come" it is boomer bullshit, but in your case if you succeed in becoming a cult leader in any meaningful sense the young women probably will come. Just become a leader and be patient with the women.
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Re: Using religion to promote the r/K selection theory?

In reply to this post by OmegaKV
I think both of you have lost your minds