What should happen to the elite

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What should happen to the elite

Ideally when they are deposed and captured, they will be put into solitary ADX-type cells and their environment will be monitored and governed by AI. They will be surgically fitted with a device to monitor their bodily functions and administer pain directly to their central nervous systems. They will have no human contact.

The AI will require them to do futile tasks such as turning a crank or pushing different colored lights in a sequence or whatever, and if they don't perform adequately the AI will administer pain and withhold the food and water and heat/cooling being automatically dispensed in their cells. The AI will be programmed to gradually increase the demands placed on them beyond their capacity to comply with so they will be being constantly shocked and starved, but then it will periodically ease up to allow recompliance. The AI will also tell them when to sleep while constantly breaking their sleeping pattern. The system will be set up so that they mostly die after a couple of years of constant agitation, although it will be theoretically possible for them to live a normal lifespan if they happen to be really good at the futile tasks assigned.  
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Re: What should happen to the elite

You been reading “I have no mouth and I must scream” ?
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Re: What should happen to the elite

In reply to this post by Allen
This is what I would like to do to modern programmers.
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Re: What should happen to the elite

There are many just punishments that could be assigned to regime criminals based on letting the punishment fit the crime.

Some are obvious. With the covaids hoax, promoters of the vaxx could be used for vivisection experiments, those responsible for lockdowns could be walled up in abandoned houses, those responsible for mask mandates could be waterboarded to death etc.

The promoters of perversion could be impaled.

Heretics such as Christian Zionists and female priests could be burned at the stake.

Those responsible for replacement immigration could suffer scaphism, where they are sandwiched between two dingies, have a mixture of milk and honey poured over them and down their mouth and are floated out on a body of stagnant water, causing them to be consumed by insects from within and without.

Those promoting various forms of bullshit such as feminist theory, CRT and such could have their bowels surgically stapled causing them to regurgitate their contents until they die.

And so on.
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Re: What should happen to the elite

You are a goddamn sadist you know that?